Mission: Thinking beyound computing

In line with our mission, asking the right questions and thinking about an intelligent and efficient solution is the central paradigm of our "technology follows function" approach

Driving forward cutting-edge algorithmic solutions in an interdisciplinary framework

Process & network automation for future networks


Energy management & the vision of a power grid like the internet


Neuro-symbolic AI solutions beyond GenAI


a Neuro-symbolic AI & Hyperautomation SynBio DryLab Platform with natural Language User Interface for Biosciences

Mission: Thinking & Computing

In our increasingly interconnected world, marked by a spectrum of impact and interaction chains, we are facing major global challenges, i. e. the climate change.

We believe that innovations in smart design using Next Generation Artificial Intelligence technologies will play a crucial role in key solutions shaping our future. Guided by our mission, "Thinking beyond Computing," we are dedicated to developing and implementing such solutions grounded in Next Generation artificial and symbolic intelligence.

"Thinking" represents xyna.ai's development of a reliable Next Generation Artificial & Symbolic Intelligence, encompassing both data-driven AI solutions augmented by knowledge & scientific-mathematical models for specific domains, while also meeting the EU AI Act's requirements for critical infrastructures.

"Computing" refers to both the self-organized, autonomous pipeline for neuro-symbolic AI and hyperautomation software executed on digital, as well as solutions executed by physical systems, such as neuromorphic, and quantum computers, emphasizing cost and energy efficiency in its operation.

Systems & process networks with graph-theoretic structures form the core of our work. We offer solutions for network-based industries, including telecommunications through xyna.com, and power transmission and energy systems via xyna.energy. Our latest venture is xyna.bio - a NextGen AI and hyperautomation Dry Lab Platform facilitating the design of innovative synthetic biological systems.


We focus on Neuro-symbolic AI & Hyperautomation Innovations for network-based industries & future biology business areas with attractive business models and market potentials.

Product & solution development, sales and marketing as well as customer project realization is done only by our affiliates:

  • GIP Exyr GmbH, a GIP AG company, with a focus on future communication networks based on xyna.com and system integration for neuro-symbolic AI & hyperautomation solutions. Further GIP Exyr offers AI & hyperautomation as well as conventional IT consulting together with individual software development with a strong focus on AI & automation.
  • Xyna GmbH, a GIP AG company offering xyna.com, xyna.ai & xyna.energy cloud services, as well as professional service for the open source xyna solutions with the support for the open-source version of xyna.bio planned for the future.


As GIP AG is a purely digital and virtual research company with no staff other than the management, there are no job offers.

If you are interested in attractive job opportunities, take a look at the career page of our associated company GIP Exyr GmbH: 

Innovations are in our DNA

Looking over the edge with a focus on the future and innovation since 2006

We are constantly rethinking innovations with a focal point on interdisciplinary dialogue directing future visions. Since 2006 we have hosted the Xyna conference – an exclusive event with renowned speakers from industry and science, selected by us annually, create a unique opportunity to discuss current issues and innovations, to gather new impulses.

Innovations Beyond Computing

14. Xyna Konferenz 21.11.2019 at the Kurhaus, Wiesbaden

How do new ideas emerge? How will synthetic biology change our lives? What characterizes social innovations? "Innovations Beyond Computing" was the motto of the 14th Xyna conference held by the Mainz-based software house GIP AG

Que Sera! Smart World: What Mars Can Teach Us.

13. Xyna Konferenz 21.11.2018 at the Kurhaus, Wiesbaden

What could human life on Mars look like - and what can we learn from such a scenario for our world today? Under the motto "Que sera, Smart World - What Mars can teach us", this year's Xyna conference of the Mainz-based GIP Research Institute took place on November 21, 2018.

Thinking Beyond Computing: Can We Copy The Brain?

12. Xyna Konferenz 29.11.2017 at the Kurhaus, Wiesbaden

GIP celebrated its 25th anniversary this year and invited a very special guest and speaker to mark the occasion: the Pope of AI, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmidhuber.

Just to name a few

Take a look into past XK reviews, discussing central infrastructures, innovations beyond the cloud, digitalization of the modern world and more.

Now: from the stage back to the lab

The XOLLX FutureLab is the direct descendant of our xyna conference vision for interdisciplinary exchange and a drive towards change. We want to offer a forum for the exchange of ideas, discussion of innovation& technology trends, support for innovative minds and the implementation of funded R&D projects with a focus on pioneering future solutions driving change.

Breaking News

First xyna.bio Hackathon

Last Friday, xyna.bio hosted a highly successful hackathon, bringing together motivated students and industry experts to work on cutting-edge biotech solutions using our first beta version. We are thrilled to share the highlights and achievements from this inspiring event. Participants tackled ambitious projects, including optimizing a protein involved in plastic degradation and designing a synthetic serotonin-like molecule for Alzheimer's disease treatment. With our initial pipeline, teams were able to design workflows from scratch and present initial results within just a few hours, showcasing the powerful capabilities of xyna.bio. One of the standout achievements was the integration of a ChatGPT node by the students, demonstrating the innovative potential of combining AI with biotech. We are excited to announce that we will be pursuing the addition of this ChatGPT node into the first official version of xyna.bio, set to launch later this year. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!

Read moreMonday, July 8, 2024

More latest articles:

xyna.bio @BFH iGEM Meetup Bielefeld

We had the incredible opportunity to participate in the BFH European iGEM Meetup and lead a workshop on leveraging AI in bioscientific research, showcasing our solution xyna.bio. We were overrun by motivation and eagerness, with our workshop being among the most signed up for among the 150 participants! Our mission to empower bioscientists with xyna.bio struck a nerve with everyone around, showcasing the need for an innovative way to integrate wet and dry lab processes and automate complex bioinformatical analysis for the scientists that need it. Read the full story here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/xollx-futurelab_we-had-the-incredible-opportunity-to-participate-activity-7203402023600275457-Rz5P?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Read moreWednesday, May 29, 2024

Great success on jumpstarting with the first Future on Site event – Next GenAI goes Bio!

Our new series Future on Site jumpstarted with an inspiring mixture of young scientists coming together to create future synthetic biology solutions. The eagerness to develop new algorithmic tools and solve modern problems of our local iGEM Teams is fascinating, gaining them each a XOLLX iGEM Grant prize to develop their projects. A highlight was the firsthand insight, invaluable for the development of our Saturn project derived xyna.bio. The idea of an AI-aided bioinformatical analysis hyperautomation platform was greeted by all with enthusiastic discussions and ideas. The shared vision among all at the Future on Site: Next GenAI goes Bio once again showed the great innovative potential that we are eager to harness in these interdisciplinary events. Thank you again to everyone from the iGEM Tübingen, iGEM Aachen, iGEM Frankfurt and CompuGene Student Lab for the amazing first Future On Site Event. We will persist in gathering innovative minds to further work on creating our future.

Read moreMonday, May 13, 2024

XOLLX iGEM Grant 2024 winners

Inspiring project teasers presented during our Future On Site event by local iGEM Teams – which convinced the XOLLX Lab to support the 3 iGEM groups with the first round of the XOLLX iGEM Grant awards! Congratulations to… iGEM Frankfurt – with their innovative synthetic design for sustainable solution towards keep our skin safe from sun exposure and the coral reefs safe from our toxic sunscreen ingredients iGEM Aachen – with a tumor microbiome targeting prodrug system next to more than one amazing software project to educate future scientists iGEM Tübingen – with a step towards a modular construction kit of molecular biosensors for a spectrum of applications We are excited to see and support your project developments in the upcoming months towards Paris!

Read moreFriday, April 12, 2024