GIP AG | News


Monday, July 8, 2024

First Hackathon

Last Friday, hosted a highly successful hackathon, bringing together motivated students and industry experts to work on cutting-edge biotech solutions using our first beta version. We are thrilled to share the highlights and achievements from this inspiring event. Participants tackled ambitious projects, including optimizing a protein involved in plastic degradation and designing a synthetic serotonin-like molecule for Alzheimer's disease treatment. With our initial pipeline, teams were able to design workflows from scratch and present initial results within just a few hours, showcasing the powerful capabilities of One of the standout achievements was the integration of a ChatGPT node by the students, demonstrating the innovative potential of combining AI with biotech. We are excited to announce that we will be pursuing the addition of this ChatGPT node into the first official version of, set to launch later this year. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Great success on jumpstarting with the first Future on Site event – Next GenAI goes Bio!

Our new series Future on Site jumpstarted with an inspiring mixture of young scientists coming together to create future synthetic biology solutions. The eagerness to develop new algorithmic tools and solve modern problems of our local iGEM Teams is fascinating, gaining them each a XOLLX iGEM Grant prize to develop their projects. A highlight was the firsthand insight, invaluable for the development of our Saturn project derived The idea of an AI-aided bioinformatical analysis hyperautomation platform was greeted by all with enthusiastic discussions and ideas. The shared vision among all at the Future on Site: Next GenAI goes Bio once again showed the great innovative potential that we are eager to harness in these interdisciplinary events. Thank you again to everyone from the iGEM Tübingen, iGEM Aachen, iGEM Frankfurt and CompuGene Student Lab for the amazing first Future On Site Event. We will persist in gathering innovative minds to further work on creating our future.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Future On Site: Next GenAI goes Bio

Future On Site: Next GenAI goes Bio We're thrilled to unveil our vision for - a pioneering GenAI-aided, graph-based platform tailored for bioinformatic analytics. Our platform design is set to empower scientists to streamline their analyses and pipelines without the need for coding expertise or the hassle of deployment all powered by our innovative Saturn program. Join us on the 12. April at the GIP headquarters in Mainz where we'll demonstrate in action, discuss the future of bioinformatical hyperautomation and share visions with local iGEM Teams, students and professionals. For updates and registration:

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Vodafone: wir setzen auf die GIP und auf Xyna

Testimonial für unsere langjährige gute Zusammenarbeit

Die GIP Exyr GmbH (Website) und Vodafone verbindet bereits eine lange Geschichte: einst war Arcor bzw. die DBKom (aus der dann erst die CNI, dann Arcor, dann Vodafone hervorging) der erste Kunde des damals noch unter anderem Namen firmierenden Systemintegrators aus dem Bereich Internet / Telekommunikation. Das war 1998!  Seit dieser Zeit besteht eine Partnerschaft mit Vodafone. In einer schnelllebigen und unsteten Zeit sind solche Beziehungen besonders wertvoll. Sie ermöglichen es, nachhaltig wertschaffende Lösungen zu realisieren, die sich immer wieder erneuern und modernisieren, und somit zu stabilen Bausteinen einer zukunftsorientierten Architektur werden.  Für das folgende Testimonial sind wir sehr dankbar: „Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten setzen wir bei der Entwicklung von OSS-Anwendungen auf unseren Partner GIP Exyr GmbH. Die Provisioning-Suite AIDA, die IP-Dienste für Privatkunden, Geschäftskunden und Carrier bereitstellt, basiert auf der Automation-Plattform Xyna Factory. Die GIP Exyr GmbH liefert Kompetenz und Expertise an der anspruchsvollen Schnittstelle zwischen Network Engineering, Automatisierung und Software/IT. Gemeinsam gestalten wir bei Vodafone die Zukunft der Netzautomatisierung — im Einklang mit unserem Credo: Growing Together.“ Steffen Krippner  Head of OSS Fulfilment Vodafone GmbH

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

GIP AG fördert studentisches Projekt zu grünem Wasserstoff in Namibia

Mit Startschuss im Mai 2023 unterstützt die GIP in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein 3E4Africa ein studentisches Forschungsprojekt in Namibia. Der gemeinnützige Verein 3E4Africa wurde von deutschen und afrikanischen Studenten der RWTH Aachen mit der Zielsetzung Education, Empowerment & Ecofriendliness u. a. zur Förderung nachhaltiger Innovationen in Afrika gegründet. Dazu fördert 3E4A afrikanische Studenten und Forscher bei der Teilnahme an Forschungsprojekten zur Entwicklung von lokalen und nachhaltigen Lösungen für die Energiewende, den Klimawandel und dessen Folgen in Afrika. Namibia eignet sich aufgrund der Größe und hohen Sonneneinstrahlung ideal für die Produktion regenerativer Energien. Grüne Energie in Form von Wasserstoff, der durch Elektrolyse mittels regenerativem Strom aus Wasserkraft erzeugt wird, kann dabei auch als Exportgut dienen. Namibia baut daher zeitnah Kapazitäten zur Produktion grünen Wasserstoffs auf. Aufgrund der geringen Energiedichte bietet sich darüber hinaus die Weiterverwertung von Wasserstoff zu grünem Ammoniak an. Grüner Ammoniak kann nicht nur als Energieträger oder Treibstoff verwendet werden, sondern auch als Ausgangsprodukt für Düngemittel dienen. Genau dort greift das durch die GIP unterstützte studentische Förderprojekt der 3E4A an. Das Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Wirksamkeit von ökologisch nachhaltigen Ammoniakderivaten, u. a. auf Basis von grünem Wasserstoff, für Düngemittel in der Region Omusati in Namibia zu untersuchen. Das Projektteam wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Namibian Green Hydrogen Research Institute (NGHRI) arbeiten. Dies trägt sowohl zur Nachwuchsförderung im Bereich der Herstellung von grünem Wasserstoff als Kraftstoff in Namibia bei, als auch zur Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energieinfrastrukturen in Afrika. Wir freuen uns sehr, Teil dieses spannenden Projektes zu sein, und nachhaltige Innovationen lokal in Afrika fördern zu können.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Xyna Ad Astra

Under this motto, GIP Exyr GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of GIP AG, hosted XynaCom on 14.06.2022 at the Kulturzentrum, Mainz. In the morning, exciting workshops were held, which provided an insight into selected projects. New employees were also welcomed and introduced. One of the highlights of the event was the presentation by Dr. Alexander Ebbes, who announced the initial open source publishing, the first release of Xyna Factory on GitHub under Apache license. “For Xyna to be successful, out there in the wild, we have to reinvent it, reposition it in a new and contemporary way." This quote from Dr. Alexander Ebbes shows that the tool is no longer limited in its potential and can now develop further. This also changes the mindset of the GIP, which thus also looks to a new future. Afterwards, Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser, as initiator, announced the foundation of the Future Networking Research Alliance. The goal of the alliance is to lay the foundations for future networks and software-defined networks through cooperative research. The focus will be on software-defined, resilient and secure networks as well as 6G and the Internet of Everything (IoE). The entire article by Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser on the founding of the alliance can be found on LinkedIn. In addition to GIP AG, the alliance is currently formed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Trick and Prof. Dr. Armin Lehmann from the Telecommunications Networks Research Group at the University Of Applied Science Frankfurt, as well as Prof. Dr. Martin Stiemerling and Prof. Dr. Michael von Rüden from the Department of Computer Science at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. It is completed by Dr. Alexander Ebbes, who represents GIP Exyr GmbH. By forming the alliance, GIP has significantly strengthened its research in the areas of 5G, 6G and Internet of Everything (IoE). By jointly applying and participating in research funding activities, the alliance will be able to fund challenging and high-risk research in the future. The last presentation of XynaCom by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Trick covered the technology of 5th generation mobile networks. At the end of the event, a copy of the book "5G: An Introduction to 5th Generation Mobile Networks" by Prof. Dr. Trick was raffled off to all participating guests. In addition to all the interesting presentations, the XynaCom was a fitting event to also celebrate the coming together of the employee:s in a larger setting since the beginning of the Corona Pandemic. We look back on this beautiful and eventful day with pleasure.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Founding of the research alliance Future Networks

On the initiative of Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser, GIP AG, the Future Networks research alliance was founded at XynaCom on June 14, 2022, together with Prof. Ulrich Trick and Prof. Armin Lehmann, Telecommunications Networks Research Group of the University of Applied Science Frankfurt am Main, and Dr. Alexander Ebbes, GIP Exyr GmbH.  Among the founding members, who unfortunately could not attend XynaCom on June 14, are Prof. Martin Stiemerling, Prof. Stefan Valentin and Prof. Michael von Rüden of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt. The objective of the alliance is to lay the foundations for future networks and software-defined networks through cooperative research. The focus will be on software-defined, resilient and secure networks as well as 6G and the Internet of Everything (IoE). Current global political developments in particular show that resilience and cyber security are becoming central for networks, as lifelines for our future. But also to be able to counter climate change with technical measures, the stronger networking of people, data, things and processes through the IoE will be inevitable. The next generation of mobile communications, 6G, will offer new dimensions for wireless networking, e.g., with special purpose networks, and thus open up new potential for IoE innovations. Alongside the future Internet of Everything, energy supply will form the backbone of our society. IoE and energy supply are closely linked, so this aspect will also be the subject of the research alliance. The alliance is to be expanded to include medium-sized technology suppliers and providers of all sizes. A central task of the alliance is the successful acquisition of national and European research funds in order to be able to finance these breakthrough innovations. Dr. Ebbes, left, Prof. Trick, center, Prof. Lehmann, right

Monday, July 26, 2021

GIP receives patent protection in the USA for virtualization of power grids

The US patent has granted the extension of the scope of protection of the GIP patent US 10,361,564 B2: now not only the packet-based CrossBar, called QBar, as a dedicated network node is protected, but also the embodiment of this as a virtual or logical QBar for the distribution of electrical power is included in the scope of protection. With this technology, it is now possible to virtualize and highly dynamically segment power networks. In particular, this technology allows virtual overlay networks to be realized for packet-based power transmission on standard power networks. Then a quantum grid based on standard power grids that is divided into cells can be formed. These cells can exchange power with each other on a packet basis using the virtual QBar technology. A particular advantage of this cell-based Quantum Grid is the firewall function, which prevents a large-scale spread of a blackout and at the same time offers the possibility of operating individual cells in island mode and then interconnecting them again to form an overall grid without the usual problems of "black start".

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Professor and recipient of the Federal Cross of Merit: Prof. Dr. Peter Beckmann turns 90

CONGRATULATION Digitization pioneer, physicist, honorary chairman of the supervisory board of the Mainz-based company GIP AG Gesellschaft für Industriephysik and long-time member of the University of Mainz: Prof. Dr. Peter Beckmann is well-known and respected in the scientific and business world. On Sunday (20.6.) he turns 90 years. Left Prof. Dr. Beckmann and right Dr. Reifenhäuser Prof. Dr. Beckmann @ Institute for Physics of the Johannes Gutenberg University-Mainz Early on, Peter Beckmann knew he wanted to devote his life to science and deliver groundbreaking insights. Born in Münster, Germany, he earned his doctorate in physics at the age of only 27. He went on to work with top physicists, pioneers of quantum field theory and Nobel laureates. In 1962, his stellar career took off further when he was awarded the honorary title of associate professor, Extraordinarius, for Theoretical Nuclear Physics by the University of Mainz. Only one year later, the University of Mainz handed him the Chair of Theoretical Physics.  Peter Beckmann established himself as a valued and progressive member of the university, serving as dean of his faculty and vice president of the university, among other positions, during his 43-year professorial career in Mainz. In doing so, he represented the University of Mainz both legally and personally and was the contact person for all students in the physics department. As one of the first professors in Germany, he provided his lecture notes online for his students as early as 1996 and has since been considered a pioneer of digitization. At the age of 63, in 1994, he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class for his commitment to society. Prof. Dr. Beckmann @ GIP Prof. Beckmann has accompanied GIP since he and the founder of GIP, Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser, established a joint research cooperation in the field of industrial applications of nonlinear dynamics and analysis in 1992. As part of this cooperation, Prof. Beckmann supervised a number of doctoral dissertations. "One of them is that of Dr. Alexander Ebbes, now the CTO of GIP", Dr. Reifenhäuser recounts. "His doctorate was in many ways groundbreaking for further research and development." Dr. Ebbes' doctorate focused on the application of nonlinear analysis methods in the field of high-performance computing, which is one of Prof. Beckmann's main scientific areas of interest.  So when GIP was transformed into an AG, it was natural that Prof. Beckmann became a member of the supervisory board. There he represented the research & development department for 10 years and supported the board of directors, Dr. Reifenhäuser, in word and deed in his work. In addition to Prof. Beckmann's scientific and technical expertise, the Supervisory Board of GIP also benefited from his legal experience in committee work as Vice Chancellor of the University of Mainz. At the age of 78, Prof. Beckmann decided to retire from active operational supervisory board business. However, the jubilarian is still Honorary Chairman today and continues to attend every Supervisory Board meeting. "Prof. Beckmann is a shining example for me, a symbol of further development and an inspiration to constantly reinvent oneself." Just recently, Prof. Beckmann developed an innovative solution for digitizing the handling and recording of Supervisory Board meetings. Dr. Reifenhäuser is very grateful for Prof. Beckmann at his side: "He has a bright and attentive mind that provides very helpful input to the Supervisory Board on current developments every time and provides strong support for me."  We sincerely wish Peter Beckmann the very best on his birthday and thank him for working with us for almost 30 years. We look forward to the years to come! For his 90th birthday, the GIP team wishes him all the best, happiness and, above all, good health.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Quantum Grid 4.0 approved by the European Patent Office

This week we received pleasant news about the patent proceedings of the Quantum Grid 4.0: the European Patent Office has declared the QG 4.0 to be new and inventive in its search report, which means that nothing stands in the way of a Europe-wide patent. We expect to receive the patent in an express procedure at the beginning of next year and are already looking forward to the further exciting steps that will accompany the granting of the patent. For more than 13 years, the GIP Research Institute and thus Dr. Reifenhäuser and Dr. Ebbes have been working on the Quantum Grid and its further development. The Quantum Grid transmits electricity by means of small energy packets from one Quantum Grid router to the next, analogous to the Internet. The new Quantum Grid 4.0 is now capable of using algorithmic intelligence to self-organize the integration of generation, demand, loss, and storage forecasts for a packet-based, sector-coupled energy supply system. This enables the Quantum Grid to adapt in a highly flexible manner to the dynamic requirements of a regenerative, volatile and decentralized energy supply of the future.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Meet Doc Bernd at the XYNACOM Convention

The "Master of the Xyna Conference" will of course also be present at XYNACOM to discuss FutureLab topics with you. XYNACOM will take place on 30.09.2021 and we are optimistic that we can all meet again there as usual. However, if the pandemic situation does not allow this yet we will experience the conference digitally. For the latest information, please visit the website.

Monday, March 8, 2021

No cookies for our users

Tracking software from Google is hidden on 85.8 percent of all websites. Did you know that we are among the 14.2 percent that do not use tracking and cookies? After visiting our websites, you can be certain that you won't be reminded of us with pop-up ads at every opportunity - and we haven't collected any data about you either. This puts us well ahead of the current development towards the no-cookie browser recently announced by Google Chrome. Once a pioneer, always a pioneer! If you do want us to keep you up-to-date, check out our LinkedIn channel:

Monday, March 1, 2021 - New Website for GIP Exyr GmbH

From now on, the newly designed website of GIP Exyr GmbH is home to all information regarding the products and innovations around the Xyna Factory. You will also find everything about the XYNACOM Convention and current career opportunities at GIP Exyr GmbH. This clearly separates GIP AG with its research facilities from GIP Exyr GmbH with product development and consulting.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Change in the Supervisory Board

After a long time, there is a change in an important position at GIP - after more than 20 years, Daniela Dalsasso-Semler takes over from Reinhold Ziegler as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. We interviewed both of them. The result is this article about the importance of cooperation, about individual competencies and personal stories as well as a nostalgic look into the past and an exciting outlook on what is coming now. The Supervisory Board consists of Ms. Dalsasso-Semler with her expertise in labor law and Mr. Ziegler, who as a banker maps the financial aspects, as well as graduate engineer and management consultant Dr. Hugo Blaum, who focuses on technology and management, and Dirk Reifenhäuser, a proven sales professional and entrepreneur in the field of digital commerce. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board is advised and supported by the Honorary Chairman Prof. Dr. Peter Beckmann. Prof. Dr. Beckmann has known GIP AG since its foundation in 1992 as GIP Gesellschaft für Industriephysik mbH, when GIP cooperated with his Chair of Theoretical Physics in the field of nonlinear dynamics and analysis. This cooperation resulted in some very successful PhDs. After the transformation to a stock corporation, he took over the position of a supervisory board member at GIP AG. After making way for Dr. Hugo Blaum, he continues to support GIP to this day as Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board, not only on scientific issues, but also on the corporate law aspects of conducting and taking minutes of Supervisory Board meetings. Mr. Ziegler already accompanied GIP when it was still in its infancy. As a banker at Deutsche Bank, he got to know Dr. Reifenhäuser and with him GIP and decided to play a major role in the development of GIP, which was still very small at the time. To this day, he is most impressed by the company's growth: in his opinion, this has been "solid, cautious and targeted" and the development in terms of content has been phenomenal - today, GIP is playing in the "league of the big boys". Mr. Ziegler experienced a lot of dynamism at a young age - as a Tyrolean growing up in Belgium, later studying economics and business administration in Switzerland and working in Paris - he took this with him as a basic value for his later work. At Deutsche Bank, he was never given tasks that worked from the outset; rather, he was always developing something new and thus sees a dynamic phenomenon in his profession. In this respect, he was very pleased to be able to accompany the development of GIP and to support the Management Board in this.  Nevertheless, he is convinced that after more than 20 years one has to think about a change of baton and needs "fresh blood". For him, it is very important to pass on his experience to the next generation in good time in a moving world. In his position as Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, he wants to actively continue to contribute the knowledge he has gained over the past 21 years. He sees the best conditions for the change from his previous deputy, Ms. Dalsasso-Semler, to Chairwoman, and in his opinion the fresh wind will move the company forward. For her, it is also the togetherness and trust within the Supervisory Board that will benefit the company's interests.Her background as a labor law attorney and mediator makes her ideally suited to build on Prof. Dr. Beckmann's excellent groundwork as Chairwoman and lawyer. Until now, he has organized the Supervisory Board's work on behalf of Mr. Ziegler, in compliance with all the requirements of stock corporation law. In particular, Ms. Dalsasso-Semler will bring her experience as a mediator to bear in chairing meetings and communicating with the Executive Board, but will also support the Executive Board in resolving the human conflicts that all too often arise. She is keen to enrich the new Supervisory Board constellation with her expertise and professionalism and to successfully complete the generational change. "We are a very harmonious group and it's nice that we have different backgrounds and everyone can bring something from their division to contribute to business decisions from different perspectives."Since Ms. Dalsasso-Semler is only 44 years old, she could serve for the next 20 years, as Mr. Ziegler did before her. Ms. Dalsasso-Semler joined GIP more than 15 years ago, when the space was still near People's Park. She worked as a lawyer in the same building and through labor law they got to know each other better and better - until Dr. Reifenhäuser approached her about becoming a member of the Supervisory Board. "Through my previous work for GIP, I am already very familiar with the company and know it well." The fact that positions on supervisory boards are male-dominated does not intimidate her. As a mother of two children, she personally finds it easy to reconcile family and career. "Of course, everyone has to decide individually whether they want to do that themselves and whether they can. In the end, it's also a question of organization and having people who can provide assistance. Just because you now hold a certain position doesn't mean you can't have a family. In any case, both Ms. Dalsasso-Semler and Mr. Ziegler are in good spirits for the future. "Due to the current situation, our Supervisory Board meetings are held by conference call and we also managed the first virtual Annual General Meeting very well. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to when the meetings take place in person again. That will be something different!", says Ms. Dalsasso-Semler. Mr. Ziegler adds, "You don't settle the important things in life by reading documents, but by working in an atmosphere of trust with the players you work with."  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"Jugend Forscht" (Youth research) 2020 - GIP supports

The 11th regional competition "Jugend forscht" (Youth research) will take place on February 14, 2020 at the TH Bingen and has the motto "Schaffst Du!" (You can do it!). The aim is to get young people excited about STEM subjects and to find and promote talent. GIP has been supporting "Jugend forscht" for many years and this year we will be there again. We maintain a close relationship with the competition and some of our employees are former prize winners.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

QGrid for Future

No energy transition without a revolution in the power grid School strike for the coal exit: the catalog of demands of the students and their numerous supporters is absolutely to be welcomed! However, the failures of years of poor energy policy development cannot be compensated overnight. There are no sustainable and sustainable concepts for redesigning the energy supply in Europe - and worldwide. The many decades-old old model of central energy supply based on easily regulated (nuclear / coal / gas) power plants can hardly form the basis of a decentralized and highly communicative feed-in / consumer network. This requires new, revolutionary approaches. Like the Quantum Grid. You can find information about the Quantum Grid at Quantum Grid

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mentoring program - GIP is committed

GIP supports physicists within the mentoring program of the German Physical Society, or DPG for short. The program is aimed at graduates who are planning a career start in industry and business, or who have been working for a short time. The switch from everyday student life to the free economy is often associated with some hurdles. The physical background of the GIP coupled with the long-term professional experience of its employees creates a special potential to pass on this experience as a mentor. Mentors advise their mentees on a long-term basis in personal exchange with the definition of goals and their strategic orientation, the development of organizational measures and the achievement of goals. Our head of technology, Dr. Alexander Ebbes is a member of the matching commission and has been a mentor in the program for several years with enthusiasm. The Matching Commission met last weekend in the Physics Center in Bad Honnef (see photo). There the participants of the coming matching year were chosen from the current applicants.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Q-Battery - intelligent storage systems for the Quantum Grid

Patent granted in the USA strengthens GIP AG's leading position in worldwide energy internet research With the granting of the US patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Dynamic and distributed energy Storage", the GIP Quantum Grid was expanded by another important component: a new type of intelligent storage system for regenerative energy systems: the Q-Battery or also Q-Energy-Storage. This invention enables the GIP to implement new and intelligent batteries and hybrid storage systems for regenerative energy systems. Compared to conventional batteries and storage systems, the Q-Battery enables system-related supply gaps to be bridged more efficiently and dynamically. With this new type of storage system, the Quantum Grid can exploit the advantages of packet-based power transmission even better than before. The core of the invention is the power crossbar for dynamic and intelligent control of a wide variety of storage media (supercapacitors, batteries, mechanical rotary storage, etc.) and their intelligent package-based energy management. The control and energy management of the Q-Battery is implemented with Xyna software technologies such as Xyna-Phi and XAI. These and other Xyna technologies are the central factor without which the quantum leap of the Quantum Grid and the Q-Battery would not be possible. It is only through Xyna technology that a conventional "stupid battery" becomes a "thinking battery". Part of the inverter technology, such as that used today in solar and wind generators, can also be saved by taking over these tasks from a Q-Battery with a corresponding quantum grid router function. The field of application of Q-Storage goes far beyond the previous approaches "Quantum Grid" and "Quantum Grid out of the box". For example, this new type of energy storage system is excellently suited for on-board energy supply from satellites or for lunar and Mars missions. With this new invention and its patenting, GIP can confirm and further expand its leading position in worldwide energy internet research. You can find information about the Quantum Grid at Quantum Grid

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser invited to the ZIRP's AI board

The President of the GIP Research Institute, Dr. State Secretary Heike Raab invited Bernd Reifenhäuser to participate on the ZIRP's KI Board (Zukunftsinitiative Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.). "The aim is to discuss the economic, scientific and social importance of AI in different industries and applications, to achieve even stronger networking in the state and to make the performance of the Rhineland-Palatinate AI landscape even more visible."

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Jugend forscht - GIP supports

The 54th regional competition "Jugend forscht - Schüler experimentieren" will take place on February 15, 2019 in the TH Bingen and has the motto "Don't ask me. Ask you.". The goal is to get young people excited about STEM subjects, to find and promote talent. GIP has been supporting "Jugend forscht" for many years and we are back again this year. We have a close relationship with the competition and some of our employees are former award winners.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

GIP at BR alpha on TV

GIP KI is looking for specialists for your future laboratory for your revolutionary quantum grid, a package-based power grid like the Internet. In this context, Dr. Kai Schorstein from Campus Magazine interviewed by BR-Alpha. See the interesting article and interview below (from minute 16:30) Or right here on our site: You can find information about the Quantum Grid atQuantum Grid

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Book chapter by Dr. B. Reifenhäuser and Prof. Dr. A. Sumper

Abstract: Anyone who has always wanted to understand the Quantum Grid or even delve deeper into the topic now has the opportunity to do so: On November 16, 2018, the book “Energy Internet” with an excellent chapter of the GIP on the Quantum Grid was published. Dr. Reifenhäuser GIP AG and Prof. Dr. Sumper Univ. Barcelona present the Quantum Grid. Invented and published for the first time in 2009 by Dr. Reifenhäuser and Dr. Ebbes, it represents the innovative power grid of the future. The selection of a book chapter to be contributed shows that GIP and its cooperation partner, CITCEA of UPC Barcelona with the Quantum Grids, are among the world's leading researchers in the field of Energy Internet. The book is edited by Dr. Alex Huang, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a renowned expert in the field of power semiconductor electronics, smart grids and modern energy systems.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser, member of the ZIRP Sounding Board

The President of the GIP Research Institute, Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser is a member of the Sounding Board of the Zukunftsinitiative Rheinland-Pfalz (ZIRP) e.V. and is therefore responsible for the content of the program. The list of all cooperation partners of the program can be viewed here:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Publication in EW magazine: "The Thinking Grid - Deep Learning for the Power Industry"

The current state of technical research enables the implementation of deep learning with neuronal networks into practise.  The article discusses some basics of deep learning, the applications in general and specifically in the power industry. Furthermore, it shows new approaches to combine the packet-based power transmission in the quantum grid with deep learning techniques in order to enable an intelligent and highly automated demand side management and an equally intelligent company internal energy management. »The Thinking Grid« by Bernd Reifenhäuser and Susanna Gallas has been published in the latest edition of the EW magazine 11|2017.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Lecture at the State Commission for Energy and Environment on August 24, 2017

Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser is invited to be the main speaker at the Landesfachkommissionen »Energie und Umwelt« and »Wirtschaftsstandort Mainz/Rheinhessen« which will be hosted by the Wirtschaftsrat on August 24th in Mainz. His lecture will provide impulses on future challenges and chances of the energy sector.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lecture at the 85th meeting of the IT committee at VDMA

On May 19, Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser was invited to the VDMA in Frankfurt am Main to give an informative lecture on the topic of »Software-Defined Networking« at the 85th meeting of the Computer Science Committee. His presentation will show how SDN will affect the future of our networks.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lecture at the »Special Colloquium KIT«

A special colloquium took place on May 11th at the KIT where theme fields of computer science and energy technology crossed. The lecture by Dr. Alexander Ebbes dealt with the basic ideas of the »Quantum Grid: Packet-based Power Transmission« which the GIP evolves.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Lecture at the »1. Smart City Conference «

On May 4th, Dr. Reifenhäuser guest and speaker at the TH Bingen (Technical University Bingen). His lecture on "Establishing a Smart City: Secure Data Network and Secure Energy Supply" will not only offer new and unusual perspectives, but will also form the basis for future plans for the development of smart cities.