Monday, May 13, 2024

Great success on jumpstarting with the first Future on Site event – Next GenAI goes Bio!

Our new series Future on Site jumpstarted with an inspiring mixture of young scientists coming together to create future synthetic biology solutions. The eagerness to develop new algorithmic tools and solve modern problems of our local iGEM Teams is fascinating, gaining them each a XOLLX iGEM Grant prize to develop their projects.

A highlight was the firsthand insight, invaluable for the development of our Saturn project derived The idea of an AI-aided bioinformatical analysis hyperautomation platform was greeted by all with enthusiastic discussions and ideas.

The shared vision among all at the Future on Site: Next GenAI goes Bio once again showed the great innovative potential that we are eager to harness in these interdisciplinary events. Thank you again to everyone from the iGEM Tübingen, iGEM Aachen, iGEM Frankfurt and CompuGene Student Lab for the amazing first Future On Site Event.

We will persist in gathering innovative minds to further work on creating our future.