Quantum Grid

A power grid like the Internet

Using the example of data packets that are routed on the Internet and thus find their way in the network, electricity should also make its way through the power grid in this way with the help of energy packets. Our intelligent routing algorithms then make it possible to find the most favorable route between the generator and the consumer.

  • Packet-based

    New type of energy transport in which individual power packets flexibly find their way through the grid

  • Sustainable

    Simplified integration of green energy resources that also benefit small producers

  • Energy routing

    Intelligent routing using Quantum Grid Routers as a central solution to optimize grid infrastructure

  • Self-organized

    Optimal orientation and routing of power packets in the grid, using algorithms developed by us

  • Flexible

    Dynamic control of the grid structure through constant analysis of production and demand to ensure maximum efficiency

  • Decentralized

    Enables increased resilience, as well as security against failures and manipulation through different feed-in paths

  • Secure

    Our technology ensures security against outages, blackouts and tampering through end-to-end encryption.

The Q-Battery - intelligent storage systems for the Quantum Grid

The process and devices described in US patent US 10,361,564 B2 add another important component to GIP's Quantum Grid: a novel intelligent storage system for regenerative energy systems, the Q-Battery or Q-Energy-Storage.

This invention enables GIP to realize unique and intelligent batteries and hybrid storage systems for regenerative energy systems. Compared to conventional batteries and storage systems, the Q-Battery enables system-related supply gaps to be bridged more efficiently and dynamically. This novel storage system enables the Quantum Grid to leverage the advantages of packet-based power transmission even better than before.

The core of the invention is the power crossbar for dynamic and intelligent control of a wide range of storage media (supercapacitors, batteries, mechanical rotary storage, etc.) and their intelligent packet-based energy management.

The control and energy management of the Q-Battery is implemented with Xyna software technologies such as Xyna-Phi and XAI. These and other Xyna technologies are the central factor without which the quantum leap of the Quantum Grid and the Q-Battery would not be possible. It is only through Xyna technology that a conventional "dumb battery" becomes a "thinking battery". In the process, some of the inverter technology currently installed in solar and wind generators can also be saved by having these tasks performed by a Q-Battery with the corresponding Quantum Grid router function.

The field of application of the Q-Storage goes far beyond the previous approaches "Quantum Grid" and "Quantum Grid out of the box". For example, this novel energy storage system is ideally suited for on-board power supply of satellites or for lunar and Mars missions.

With this new invention and its patenting, GIP can confirm and further expand its leading position in worldwide Energy Internet research.

Quantum Grid 4.0

This week, at the end of May, we received pleasant news about the patent procedure of the Quantum Grid 4.0: the European Patent Office has declared the QG 4.0 as new and inventive in its research report, which means that there is nothing standing in the way of a Europe-wide patent. We expect to receive the patent in an express procedure at the beginning of next year and are already looking forward to the further exciting steps that will accompany the granting of the patent.

For more than 13 years, the GIP Research Institute and thus Dr. Reifenhäuser and Dr. Ebbes have been working on the Quantum Grid and its further development. The Quantum Grid transmits electricity by means of small energy packets from one Quantum Grid router to the next, analogous to the Internet. The new Quantum Grid 4.0 is now capable of using algorithmic intelligence to self-organize the integration of generation, demand, loss, and storage forecasts for a packet-based, sector-coupled energy supply system. This enables the Quantum Grid to adapt in a highly flexible manner to the dynamic requirements of a regenerative, volatile and decentralized energy supply of the future.


Quantum Grid - The energy network of the future - XK2015

The Quantum Grid is revolutionary and a quantum leap for grid technology. This approach has the advantage of higher flexibility and is better suited for use in environments with dynamic network behavior. It is also much more resilient than centralized approaches.

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Our research partners

Cooperation partner

Research team around Prof. Dr. A. Sumper, CITCEA Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Prof. Sumper's team is developing the Quantum Grid Router and the power electronics required for power flow control.



(2)   ELECTRONICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION AND METHOD FOR DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICAL POWER Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser, Dr. Alexander Ebbes, 24.11.2016, US 10361564 B2

(3)   METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE DIRECTIONAL TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY IN AN ELECTRICITY GRID Dr. Bernd Reifenhäuser, Dr. Alexander Ebbes, 05.05.2010, EP 2 430 723 B1 (Europe) US 9337655 B2 (USA)


Quantum Grid: packet-based power approach
Bernd Reifenhäuser and Andreas Sumper
p. 283 “The Energy Internet”. Ed. Wengcong Su, Axel Q. Huang, ISBN (Online) 978-0-08-102215-3

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